Dag van de Ontwerpkracht

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Last July 6, there was a successful new edition of the “Dag van de Ontwerpkracht”.

An inspiring day with interesting research perspectives about the design of the Netherlands in the distant future how to deal with the rising sea level, but also smaller on a smaller scale how resident can participate in design processes improving innovative housing concepts that enrich new (urban) developments.

“Dag van de Ontwerpkracht” is part of Platform Ontwerp NL, an interdisciplinary collaboration between all professional associations in the Netherlands that are active in the field of architecture and in which Taco is involved in his role as co-chair of the BNI.


If your office is everywhere, where is your company?

This question was the starting point for our newly developed spacegrazing concept.

We believe that fluid workspaces are the future! Sitting next to your colleague to exchange

paper documents in an office block is obvious superfluous, though
exchanging the company’s knowledge and values are indifferently the rock pillar of any company.

The spacegrazing concept is about connecting the best of both worlds
with the freedom of working everywhere while keeping the company’s fundamentals alive .

Check out the spacegrazers website to find out more….

Spacegrazers is a collaboration between Plan-H project management, Toplab Architects
and a joined team of workspace specialists.

Lezing NVB Rotterdam

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Op vrijdag 16 juni geven we weer een Spacepress lezing voor de Nederlandse vereniging van Ontwikkelaars en Bouwondernemers.

De lezing gaat over de impact van Robots, drones en 3d printers die bouwplaatsen gaan veroveren.

Wat betekent dit voor de ontwerper en andere leveranciers in de bouwketen?

Over de opkomst van opensource software, cloud-services en nieuwe bouwtechnieken.

leren anno 2016 [NL]








Toplab at the Venice Architecture Biennale [NL]

Architect Taco Hylkema gave the first Spacepress lecture at the Venice Architecture  Biennale 2014.

By implementing computerized 3D printing as a way of personal manufacturing (which is the big step forward) we move towards ‘the Additive Manufacturing era’ and let the ‘progressive assembly ‘ faint away.


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